
Say Hi-dilly-ho to this Ned Flanders-themed metal band

Next, they recruited some friends, got some matching green crew neck jumpers, and rebranded to: Head Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned, Stead Ned, and Bled Ned. And in real life, there’s now an aggressive Phoenix quintet called Okilly Dokilly, which calls itself “the world’s only Nedal band”. “The name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very amusing to us”, he said.


“Most of us have played in other bands around our hometown”. Like, we know these are demos, but… in the immortal words of Ned Flanders himself, “My family and I can’t live in good intentions, Marge”.

But that hasn’t stopped Pheonix, Arizona based band Okilly Dokilly. It seems the closest town of that name is actually a suburb outside of Las Vegas, assuming it has a music venue read-didily-o to host a band as raucous as this. You can check out the group’s Facebook page here.

There’s now a Ned Flanders-themed metal band.

“Not as fast as Bartcore, and a little cleaner than Krusty Punk”. According to Head Ned, it fits smack dab in the middle of the other Simpson-themed metal genres. Do they want to make it big, headlining arena shows one day?


Okilly Dokilly will play their first hometown show on 5th September, on their way to their ultimate goal. In reality, Head Ned says, “this is all just an over-the-top attempt at getting Matt Groening’s autograph, even if it comes on a cease and desist letter”. There were some omissions – deliberate (Fall Out Boy) or otherwise (Dr Colossus, Dogs With Bees In Their Mouths) – but, to be fair, the whole world is overflowing with Simpsonian references, so it’s unsurprising that we would have missed a few in our endeavour to create our hypothetical festival.

There is a Ned Flanders-themed metal band called Okilly Dokilly