
Thousands of Clinton emails to be released before election

Numerous emails deleted from Hillary Clinton’s email server were in fact work-related, a point her campaign spokesman confirmed Tuesday.


When asked about a potential conversation between Hillary Clinton and Colin Powell that reportedly took place during a dinner party of former Secretaries of State, back in 2009, when Powell advised Clinton to use a private email account, an aide to Rice said that she has “no recollection” of this. The Bureau revealed another 15,000 Clinton emails, which became a part of her dossier at FBI. Not unusual for a U.S. ally to get a meeting with the secretary of state, but an indicator that someone who donates to or is a “good friend” of the Clinton Foundation could get a meeting more easily than someone who isn’t. The revelation this week should have come as no surprise.

Trump is right that the FBI recovered “several thousand work-related emails” that Clinton did not turn over to the State Department, as FBI Director James Comey disclosed in July. The case is closed. And has said she would do it differently. She has said that she apologizes for it.

“Then don’t”, Mr. Band replied to Ms. Abedin.

Clinton told Cooper that she takes full responsibility for the decision to use a personal account.

“These emails show that there was a long line of Clinton Foundation friends who had no qualms about asking the Clinton State Department for meetings, favors, and special treatment”, Scott Amey, general counsel at the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), told USA Today.

“The exchanges include ones between top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and foundation executive Douglas Band about face time for Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain, whose scholarship program gave United States dollars 32 million to the Clinton Global Initiative”, the daily wrote.

Separately, Judicial Watch also released hundreds of pages of emails from one of Clinton’s closest aides, Huma Abedin, including some purporting to show that various donors to the Clinton Foundation had lobbied Abedin for access to the former first lady. The Clinton campaign responded by saying the prince received a meeting with Clinton through normal diplomatic channels. An appointment with Clinton and the prince later was arranged through the State Department. But in Washington, where time really is money, meetings with top officials are a valuable premium even if, as Clinton’s campaign insists and the evidence so far suggests, no direct action followed.

In a statement, the government of Bahrain said the $32 million pledge was in support of a scholarship program for young men and women from the Persian Gulf kingdom who attend universities in Europe and North America.


“As deputy head of state, the crown prince has and will continue to meet with USA officials to address matters of mutual interest in the future”, the statement said.

Clinton Foundation donors got face time with her at State