
Trump Tower rent fiasco yet another red flag about Trump’s endgame

Trump’s campaign has pushed back on the notion that he’s reversing course. Conway said Sunday that Republican National Committee communications director and chief strategist Sean Spicer would also be increasing his work with the Trump campaign.


Many rank-and-file black voters, meanwhile, dismiss the overtures as another racially charged pitch from a campaign aimed exclusively at whites, from Trump’s emphasis on “law and order” to his withering critiques of President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black chief executive.

The undocumented population in the United States is estimated at about 11 million people.

The demographics that have attracted the most attention this presidential season are the gender gap between white men for Donald Trump and white women for Hillary Clinton, the proclivity of the less educated for Trump and the more educated for Clinton, and the embrace of Trump by white evangelicals.

African-American and Latino voters are key to Clinton’s success in November and her top campaign aides are counting on large margins with each group to bury Trump on Election Day. For those hurting the most – who have been failed again and again by their politicians – Mr. Trump asks, what do you have to lose by trying something new?

It was a pivot in tone, and perhaps policy, that the Clinton campaign seized upon.

When Carson first endorsed Trump during the primaries they often touted their plans to reach out to minority voters and campaign in areas where Republicans don’t usually campaign, Williams said, and Trump felt like he already had a base of support within the black community and that his business background had given him some credibility there. On Wednesday night, however, Trump will hold a rally in Jackson, Mississippi, a city that is roughly 80% black, according to Census data. “You can not win without women, Asians, Latinos, African Americans”.

She said according to an independent analysis, Trump’s ideas would result in a prolonged recession that would cost 3.4 million jobs. They were recovered as part of the FBI’s now-closed investigation into the handling of sensitive information that flowed through Clinton’s private home server during her time as secretary of state.

Donald Trump returns to Florida today amid signs he’s backing away from some of the hardline proposals on illegal immigration that were a signature element of his ascent to the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump aides confirmed he will soon tour churches, local businesses and charter schools in black and Hispanic urban neighborhoods. Dr.

Trump has regained some of ground he lost after the Democratic National Convention in late July, when he repeatedly criticized the Muslim American parents of a dead U.S. Army captain, and appeared to urge Russian Federation to hack Clinton’s email.

And many Republicans tend to support Israel. In Florida, where Romney won 39 percent of the Hispanic vote, Trump is also getting 39 percent of the demographic, according to a CBS News poll of the state conducted August 10-12.

Those polls show Trump four points behind Clinton in OH, two points in Nevada, and tied in Iowa.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even welcomed Mitt Romney for a visit during the 2012 USA presidential campaign.

The Latest Kaine says Trump using campaign to make money