
Overwatch Forums Glitch Out, Reveals Hidden Message From Sombra

Fans of Overwatch know that Blizzard Entertainment is planning something for some time and has to do with the new character named Sombra.


The page has arrived amidst rumors of a new character coming to Overwatch. The in-game bug in question affects how the aim assist system in “Overwatch” reacts to verticality. The latest character hero that has yet to be fully revealed is Sombra, a character that has left plenty of gamers digging through Overwatch posts, forums, and levels, for any potential clues that may point to the character identity.

So what? Well, if you actually visit that link you’ll see the post nearly immediately “glitches”, eventually resolving into a block of code.

Consequently, the users of reddit rushed to decode the text to find a ASCII skull, which looks very similar to the previous tracks Shadow.

Using this new clue, The Game Detectives were led to a new website for a fake TV show in the Overwatch universe, which contains the phrase “Protocol Sombra v1.3”. However, thanks to the efforts of fans over at the Overwatch sub-reddit, it was discovered that there were differences between the two skulls when someone thought to use a Caesar-23 cipher – which, not so coincidentally, corresponds with Sombra bringing the Overwatch character roster size to 23.

Within that website, there was an email for viewers to send tips and if emailed, gamers would receive a new clue along with more coding, that has yet to be solved.

Blizzard announced a new game map for “Overwatch” next month called “Eichenwalde” and it will be an a Assault/Escort map within the game where one team will attempt to lead a battering ram to Eichenwalde Castle, while the opposing team will attempt to defend the keep.


Overwatch is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Overwatch forums glitch out, reveal a message from the mysterious Sombra