
Lochte’s legal troubles mount in Brazil

Police in Brazil have charged U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte with making a false statement about being robbed at gunpoint during the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.


Lochte originally claimed that he and three teammates – Gunnar Bentz, James Feigen and Jack Conger – were coming home after a night of partying when their taxi was pulled over by men pretending to be Rio police. Speedo was the first to drop the 12-time Olympic medalist after he lied to Rio police about being robbed at a gas station with three USA swimming teammates.

Police official Clemente Braune said: “Once he is summoned, whether he turns up or not, the penalty is the same: one to six months’ prison“, reports the G1 Rio news site.

It’s possible that Brazil could request Lochte be extradited to face the charge.

Lochte lost all four of his major sponsors on Monday, including Speedo USA and Ralph Lauren, following his apology for an “exaggerated” story about being robbed at gunpoint in Rio. News reported Thursday. In a statement, officials announced that he will be notified of the indictment so he can decide whether or not to seek defense council in Rio de Janeiro. However, Brazilian police countered Lochte’s claims and said he instead damaged a gas station bathroom while drunk and urinated around the premises prior to the “mugging”, and that security guards at the station had simply demanded money to pay for the damage.

Police in Rio de Janeiro recommended that Lochte and Feigen be charged with false reporting.

UPDATE, 7:05 and 7:20 p.m. August 25: Lochte was formally charged Thursday evening and ordered to return to Brazil, The Associated Press reported.

When he refused, one of the men placed the pistol against the swimmer’s head, and he then handed over his wallet, Lochte had said. Although Lochte has since left the country, criminal proceedings can continue in his absence and he can opt to send a lawyer in his stead.


“We all make mistakes, but they’re rarely given front-page scrutiny”, Pine Bros. The US and Brazil have an extradition treaty, but the Latin American nation has a long tradition of avoiding extradition of its citizens to other nations. He has 12 Olympic medals, second only to Michael Phelps among United States male Olympians. News has learned. The company’s CEO, Rider McDowell, reportedly offered the deal to the 32-year-old swimmer following his scandal and released a statement asking the public to be “a little more understanding-even forgiving-of the young American swimmer”. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

US Swimmer Ryan Lochte at the Rio Olympics