
Park Service marks centennial with new citizens, monument

“The cost for entering Saguaro National Park is still cheaper than many other National Parks out there and I would argue that it’s cheaper than numerous other opportunities”, explained Saguaro National Park chief ranger Ray O’Neil. “The date that the historical documents were signed to make Denali a Park”.


In October, the 39-year-old Congaree will celebrate 40 years of being established as a park. Among hundreds of applicants, about a half-dozen artists, writers and composers will be invited to spend time in one of the park’s historic ranger patrol cabins.

The National Park Service sent an architectural team to help plan for the new park.

The colorful Polychrome Mountains emerge from the clouds on July 22, 2016, in Denali National Park. From across the East River, attendees could control the color of the One World Trade Center Spire-a first-by working to solve interactive puzzles on a giant digital circuit board.

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says all Americans deserve the chance to experience the national parks.

As the National Park Service celebrates their Centennial Thursday the country’s top steward spent her morning in Glacier National Park to look at the successes and challenges the Crown Jewel of the Continent is facing.

Through this program, the National Park Service extends the benefits of outdoor recreation well beyond the boundaries of the national parks and into the neighborhoods where the Americans live and work every day.

Members of the ME delegation, as well as park leaders, will be in attendance.


Park rangers said the park is also still recovering from the government shut down in 2013. Construction on the Arch grounds continues, but another part of the park opened to the public today. If walk-up attendees are welcome, then contacting the local tourism board and nearby hotels for outreach tips could give planners a marketing edge to attract more guests.

National Park Service shows people on the National Mall in Washington looking toward the World War II Memorial Thursday Aug. 25 2016 creating a giant living version of the National Park Service emblem. Participants used