
Camaro to be on Display at Woodward Dream Cruise

We want to make it really easy for you to share your Woodward Dream Cruise experience. Will it remain as it has been in the future?


[Guide To The 2015 Woodward Dream Cruise]. “They’re more comfortable. They’re technologically superior”, he said.

However, I do foresee one exception: alternative-fuel vehicles.

“We’ll see what happens”, he said. Contemporary cars like the Tesla Model S and the automaker’s earlier Lotus-based Roadster will be welcomed as heroes, long before such cars actually become “classics” in the traditional sense of the word.

Of course, in addition to these official Chevrolet display areas, we are sure to see plenty of Camaro, Corvette and other Chevy show cars on the road and parked in the hundreds of packed parking lots along the cruise route. At some point, whether initiated by environmental groups, preachy individuals, or the Woodward organizers themselves, there will be a push-back.

Woodward Dream Cruise is finally here – a day of wall-to-wall classic vehicles, roaring engines, reminiscing and the occasional squeal of tires to thrill the thousands lining Woodward Avenue from Pontiac to Ferndale. Apart from the new Camaro, the event will also be the one where Chevrolet plans to showcase their 2016 Volt.

In addition to the West Nine Mile activities, you can also find the Ferndale Emergency Vehicle Show and the Lights & Sirens Cruise on East Mile. The Viper, with the Challenger and Charger hellcats will give thrill rides. Some of the cars are the ones that appeared in the TV shows and movies.

As a result, their thirsty powertrains will likely make them collectable. Well, the idea for the cruise got out and spread like wildfire and that first year, over 250,000 people showed up to just cruise along.

“The newer cars are faster”.

With numbers this big, it can only mean one thing: The Woodward Dream Cruise is here. But I suppose the scenery will be a bit different. No prices for the new Camaro have been announced.


For people like Rich Nicolo of Highland, who was driving a 1940 Ford, the Dream Cruise is a chance to show off all the blood, sweat and tears poured into restoring these classic automobiles. “Im 47 years old and I wasnt around for the classic cruising era.

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