
Best Buy’s Oculus Rift demos will span 500 stores this holiday season

We’ve got good news for all of those waiting to experience virtual reality (VR) headsets without paying hundreds of dollars.


Of course, it is up for debate whether virtual reality is ready to go mainstream. However, the latest move indicates that the online retailer is doubling its efforts by increasing store demonstration in the coming weeks.

Lest you think Best Buy is leaning entirely on Oculus to wow consumers with virtual goodies, the retailer is also going to be running demos of PlayStation VR in 200 locations, on a rotating basis among some stores. The lack of household awareness means VR has more than just budgetary hurdles to overcome – things as simple as concerns about eye health could make the average consumer look elsewhere for their holiday gifts.

HTC Vive VR has been revealed as the most popular headset among games developers.

Joly also expressed the hope that the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR demonstrations which Best Buy plans to host at different locations during the holiday shopping season will be well-received by customers. Moreover, by letting users try the headset for free, the product’s demand will most likely increase.

The holiday shopping season is the most important time of the year for many companies, and it’ll likely be the first time many consumers actively seek out VR headsets as viable purchases – whether for themselves or for others. Some analysts believe that the industry has potential to generate approximately $20 billion by 2020.


The Facebook-owned Oculus Rift device, which promises immersive, hyper-realistic graphics, sounds and sensations across gaming and entertainment scenarios, is in short supply because of manufacturing glitches. Sony’s PlayStation-based offering doesn’t come out until October, however, so Oculus could be the only game in Best Buy town for at least a little while.

An attendee plays a game on an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset during the 2016 Intel Developers Forum