
Born Sundar Pichai to lead restructured Google

Although Google has secured the “” domain for its new parent company, BMW’s website was hit by a traffic overload following the Google announcement. And it has long since expanded beyond its core business as a search browser, becoming one of the biggest and most far-reaching tech companies on the planet.


Google recently, has surprised the world by creating a holding company called “Alphabet”, under which all the other Google owned companies have been pooled.

He explained that Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies – the largest of which, of course, is Google.

The German carmaker told WirtschaftsWoche, the German business magazine, that it will be “necessary to examine the legal trademark implications” of the name of Google’s new parent company. And to keep the CEOs of its newly “independent” businesses happy under their alphabetical overlords. He’ll act as the Alphabet CEO, while Sergey Brin acts as the president. Google will continue to operate as it now does and most of Google’s apps and services such as Search, Android, YouTube, Chrome and Maps will remain under its control. In October, Page announced that he would take less of a day-to-day role at the company to focus on Google’s future, and handed most of the product operations to Pichai. Despite the reorganization, Google will continue to develop new products within the subsidiary, such as the recently launched Google Photos and Google Now.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who founded Google 18 years ago as students at Stanford University, will become chief executive and president of Alphabet respectively, while Sundar Pichai will head up Google. Instead, all shares of Google “will automatically convert into the same number of shares of Alphabet, with all of the same rights”. And secondly, Google may very well be in violation of BMW’s trademark due to the fact that this only occurs if it causes confusion between the two companies. The new divisions include an effort to prolong human life, a venture building high-speed Internet networks in several cities, a drone delivery service, and the research lab designing a self-operating automobile.

The move will also likely provide a bit more transparency over the financial performance of individual businesses within Alphabet, rather than just lumping it all in with Google, and Alphabet’s experimentation could get more funding than it otherwise would have when included in with the core advertising business.


Each business unit under the Alphabet umbrella will be run by a CEO, with Page and Brin determining their compensation.

Meet Sundar Pichai: The new CEO of a 'slimmed down' Google