
Carly: There’s No Question Hillary Lied About Her Email Server

According to the Daily Mail, a Denver-based Internet company employed by HillaryClinton to maintain the privateemail server she used as secretary of state has been sued for allegedly stealing dozens of phone lines, including some used by the WhiteHouse and the Defense Department.


“If Hillary Clinton believed in honesty and transparency, she would have turned over her secret server months ago to an independent arbiter, not as a last resort and to the Obama Justice Department”, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said.

“As someone who regularly reviews classified material, I can say that those documents are always clearly marked as containing classified information“.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at…

Now, a Fox News poll shows Hillary Clinton may be deeply damaged by these new allegations.

The report claims the letter said: “Given that the server was used to conduct official State Department business, questions have been raised regarding whether classified information was stored on the private server”.

And yet she depended on her private email, [email protected], and on Platte River Networks, a small private Internet server in Colorado, to handle the traffic.

The global Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers announced on Friday that it is endorsing the campaign of the former secretary of state, citing Clinton’s “long record of supporting workers’ rights stands in stark contrast to her Republican rivals, who seek to ban unions, silence workers, eliminate sensible regulations and give corporations total control over working conditions”.

“I don’t know if there’s room, but I think everybody kind of looks at the anointed one, like maybe that’s not who we should be following”, she said.

She also welcomed the backing of the global Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, a union of almost 600,000 members.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a conference in Kansas City, Mo., on July 13, 2015. The probe is not looking into Clinton herself, but rather the security of her emails.

It also questioned 625 register voters on those dates over her server’s possible risk with a 4 percent margin of error. As governor, Jeb Bush owned his own private server and his staff decided which emails he turned over as work-related from his private account.

Those two emails were among four that had previously been determined by the inspector general of the intelligence community to have been classified at the time they were sent.


“Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton”, said State Department spokesman John Kirby. Company attorney Barbara J. Wells said, ” The information had been migrated over to a different server for the purposes of transition.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday Aug. 11 2015 in Claremont N.H. Associated Press