
Hillary Clinton Says Her Family Foundation Is Looking for Partners

In fact, Stein seems to have Clinton in her cross-hairs more often than she does Republican nominee Donald Trump.


We’ll also talk with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican who chairs the House Oversight Committee, about the 2016 election and the recent controversy regarding donors to the Clinton Foundation who met with Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state.

“I am sure, and I am sure because I have a very strong foundation of understanding about the foundation” and the good work it has done, the Democratic candidate said in an interview with MSNBC.

Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system as President Barack Obama’s first-term secretary of state and the Clinton Foundation’s ties to governments and corporations that have business with the USA have come under increasing attack by Republican nominee Donald Trump after the release this week of e-mail exchanges between a former Clinton Foundation executive and top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. “She’s going to do nothing for Hispanics and African-Americans”.

Clinton started the day by releasing a video that featured Ku Klux Klan members and white supremacists touting Trump’s candidacy – then gave an afternoon speech condemning Trump’s racially inflammatory remarks and support within the “alt-right”, which she described as an “emerging racist ideology”. The speech was meant to highlight the strong ties between Donald Trump and this group of nationalists, and paint the picture of a bleak future of a Trump presidency. And the exchanges hinted at just how nasty the verbal battle between Clinton and Trump could become in the roughly 10 weeks until the general election. “They want to see things happen”, Trump said.

Hillary Clinton says she would not criticize a Republican presidential candidate who took donations from foreign interests while serving as secretary of state.

Two watchdog groups called for Hillary Clinton to sever ties with the Clinton Foundation if she were to win the presidency – including the removal of daughter, Chelsea, from the board, The Hill reports.

According to Newsmax, there are several watchdog groups who have also warned that a Clinton Foundation scandal could be detrimental to her presidential run.

Clinton is eager to capitalize on Trump’s slipping poll numbers, particularly among moderate Republican women turned off by his controversial campaign.

Clinton declined to directly call Trump a racist, but rattled off a list of incidences she says points to racial discrimination. If people hit me, I will certainly hit back.

He met with a group of black and Latino supporters at his Trump Towers in NY early on Thursday.

He contends that the Democrats have taken minority voters’ support for granted. “If he doesn’t respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans?”

Colvin reported from Washington.


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