
Trump campaign CEO Bannon branded an anti-Semite by ex-wife

“He said that he doesn’t like Jews and that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be “whiney brats” and that he didn’t want the girls to go to school with Jews”, his ex-wife, Mary Louise Piccard, claimed in court fillings reviewed by BuzzFeed News.


The Trump campaign declined to comment. The charges were eventually dropped after she failed to appear for trial.

In a police report obtained by Politico and confirmed by NBC News, she claimed that during a New Year’s argument about finances, she spat at Bannon and he “reached up to her from the driver’s seat of his auto and grabbed her left wrist”. She said at the time that he did not want the girls attending the Archer School for Girls.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign denounced Breitbart News as “anti-Semitic” while criticizing Trump’s hiring of Bannon, calling to memory a report by a Breitbart writer that referred to Weekly Standard editor William Kristol as a “renegade Jew”.

Bannon’s remarks about Jews followed other comments that caught Piccard’s attention when they were visiting private schools in 2000.

Bannon reportedly asked Piccard whether she took issue with the fact that a second school being considered had previously been a Temple, and during an interview with the director of a third school asked why there were “so many Chanukah books in the library”.

In March 1997, Piccard wrote that she only wanted to restrict Bannon’s visits with the children to neutral sites because he “has been verbally abusive to me in front of the girls and I do not feel safe meeting him” elsewhere.

The couple argued over whether it would be better that she simply write a check, but that had led into a bigger dispute over the Bannon family’s broader financial situation, and the ex-wife threatening divorce.

A police report obtained by the AP said he grabbed her wrist and “grabbed at” her neck.

Court records show that Bannon was charged with three misdemeanors in Santa Monica, California, on February 22, 1996, after his then-wife claimed he attacked her.

“I do not support the children attending a secular school and I do not agree with the or approve the unilateral selection made by (Piccard)”.

“I took the phone to call the police and he grabbed the phone away from me throwing it across the room, and breaking it as he screamed that I was a ‘crazy f–g c–t”.

“He also told me that if I went to court he and his attorney would make sure that I would be the one who was guilty”.

In the 2007 filing, which involved a modification to their divorce agreement, she said she left town with their two children and didn’t return until “the attorney phoned me and told me I could come back”.

Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway said she didn’t know whether or not Donald Trump was aware of the charges against Bannon.


She said Bannon blew up at her on January 1, 1996, in an argument over her plan to take a credit card to the store.

Donald Trump campaign CEO Stephen Bannon