
Trump Clearly Has No Idea How Immigration Reform Works

The candidate began backing away this week from his past calls to round up and deport all of the undocumented population, instead indicating openness to some of them remaining in the U.S. It’s unclear whether that was an acknowledgement of reality ― deporting 11 million people was never a realistic goal ― or a step toward embracing legal status for undocumented immigrants, although he again ruled that out on Thursday. “Most Trump supporters” dark view of illegal immigrants continues with the question of how hard working the immigrants are. “Way to go, whoever told Trump to say that”.


He also spoke of how hard it would be to deport people who have lived in the country for decades and raised a family. Anderson Cooper: “But 11 million who have not committed a crime-“Donald Trump: “No, no, we’re then going to see-“Anderson Cooper: “-there’s going to be a path to legalization, is that right?” But he declined to flatly say whether he would round up other undocumented immigrants, stressing that once the initial deportations occur, “then we can talk”. But there’s a very good chance the answer could be yes.

“We’re going to see what happens once we strengthen up our border”. These statements are the newest turn in his stance on immigration issues, which the republican nominee said he would crystallize into a speech next week. During the primary, Trump advocated unequivocally for deporting undocumented immigrants, and the shifts he has hinted at would be a highly-scrutinized flip on a trademark issue. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who’s been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it’s so tough, Mr. Trump.’ I have it all the time! “No amnesty. You can return home, and if you would like to stand in line, the thing that everybody else is stand in line, wait your turn, go through the normal courses”.

“I think that as we go down through this, we enforce the law”, King said. “I don’t think it’s a softening”.

“No citizenship”, Trump told Fox News in an interview Wednesday. He said that a Trump administration would be willing to work with undocumented immigrants who paid taxes. Hillary Clinton is a bigot.

Trump has suggested that minorities have been left behind by Democratic economic policies and hammered the nation’s sluggish GDP growth as “a catastrophe”, saying that the United States has “some very, very serious problems and it’s going to get worse with this group of people” in charge.

Trump and Clinton are each portraying the other as discriminatory toward African-Americans, with Trump charging on Wednesday evening that the candidate herself was hateful.

Trump’s exact meaning was murky.

Her drive for the White House got a rhetorical boost when her defeated competitor for her party’s nomination, Vermont Sen. “She is selling them down the tubes because she’s not doing anything for those communities. He’s still going to get rid of the murderers and rapists and those wreaking havoc in our country”, she said. “But she doesn’t do anything”.

Late Wednesday, the Arizona Republic reported that the campaign had “backtracked” and now said that Trump would give a speech in Phoenix on August 31 but that the focus would be “post-primary unity”, not immigration policy.

As Clinton tarred him with representing the “alt-right” at a speech in Reno, Nevada, Trump offered his own pushbacks, saying he was not acquainted with the fringe world that Clinton said had essentially merged with his campaign.

“Ultimately, I said I want to do this my way”.

Donald Trump’s campaign tried to downplay the Republican nominee’s stance on immigration, insisting Thursday that “nothing has changed as far as the policies”. Donald Trump doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about.


The State Department now says it doesn’t expect to release all the detailed daily schedules showing meetings by Clinton covering her time as secretary of state before Election Day.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Manchester N.H. Thursday Aug. 25 2016