
Clinton goes after Trump’s hats in a new ad

“In fact, the real Donald Trump outsourced his products and jobs to 12 different countries”.


For all the differences, there’s one phrase that both used at near-equal levels: “America’s demise”.

Aside from profanity, Trump’s supporters also used “politically incorrect” language 88 percent more often than Clinton’s.

Clinton’s Reddit community used “Trump”, “Hillary”, “Clinton”, “Republican” and “Bernie” (in that order). (“Hillary” is by far the preferred name for the Democratic nominee.) And it was the most used word overall after “Trump” and “Hillary”. The two sides were actually remarkably similar. In both, the the most common errors were in apostrophe usage, followed by misusing “then” and “than”. Trump’s supporters made 2.1 mistakes for every 100 words compared to Clinton’s 1.8.

“Trump’s supporters aren’t afraid to let curse words fly”, the study concluded.

Both groups also had overlap in the issues that they were discussing, though their views about how to handle them varied greatly, of course. “Crime and safety” topics like police and prisons were the most discussed by Trump supporters, but only the third most discussed topic in Clinton’s community, where foreign policy topics took the top slot. The economy was the second most popular topic among Clinton supporters, but it didn’t even make the top five in Trumpland. It seems, however, that Trump supporters are dropping a lot more of them than Clinton supporters. I say surprising because “Trump that Bitch” seems to be a rally cry from Trump supporters.


In an interview earlier this month with the people who moderate the candidates’ subreddits, one Clinton moderator told the Washington Examiner what separates the Clinton subreddit from the other forums is that the moderators “work hard to keep the discussions provocative and informative”.

Dominick Reuter  Reuters
Americans say that even though they see more ads from Clinton they're talking more about Trump