
Trump proposes TITMUS test for visitors to United States from terror-prone areas

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump outlined his anti-terror plan on Monday, proposing an extreme ideological vetting for all immigrants and visitors to the United States to fight what he called “radical Islamic terrorism”.


He did offer this bit of foreign policy, though, regarding his good friend, Vladimir Putin: “I also believe that we could find common ground with Russian Federation in the fight against ISIS”, Trump said.

What’s to stop would-be malcontents from giving less than truthful answers during their “extreme vetting”?

“Those who do not believe in our constitution or who support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted for immigration into our country”, he blustered.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump likened the threat posed to the Islamist terrorism to that of communism during the Cold War period and pledged measures that mirror American tactics from that era if elected President.

Trump is right that the Islamic State capitalized on the political and security vacuum in Iraq in 2014, but it’s not clear that a long-term US military occupation to hold and exploit Iraqi’s oil resources would have led to a more stable outcome. “I have often said that General MacArthur and General Patton would be in a state of shock if they were alive today to see the way President Obama and Hillary Clinton try to recklessly announce their every move before it happens – like they did in Iraq – so that the enemy can prepare and adapt”.

Hillary for America Senior Policy Adviser Jake Sullivan released a statement Monday, saying, Trump’s “so-called “policy” can not be taken seriously”.

Our country has enough problems.

“We can not let this evil continue”, he said in his address in Youngstown, Ohio, a place where the driving concern for voters is the economy more than terrorism. “Immigrants make America great”.

Meanwhile, Politico released an article containing fact checks for the things that Trump had said.

After major military victories, the 240-year-old United States has tended to pour money and aid back into countries it has fought to help re-establish governments and services.

He didn’t specify, but in his speech he spoke about the dangers of admitting refugees from Syria and other countries in the Middle East that have been torn apart by civil war and attacks by Islamic State.

Trump recognized this political reality early on in his campaign for the party nomination for president.

“As soon as I take office I will ask the state department and department of homeland security to identify a list of regions where adequate screening can not take place”, Trump continued. “I call it extreme, extreme vetting”, he said.


Trump asserted that the U.S. can not allow the internet to be used as a recruiting tool and for other purposes by its enemy. “To accomplish a goal, you must state a mission: the support networks for Radical Islam in this country will be stripped out and removed one by one”. A month ago, the GOP nominee added a geographic “expansion” to his idea, saying he wants closer scrutiny of immigrants from countries “compromised by terrorism” – a policy that would apparently include most of the planet.

Trump Says He Would Ally With Russia in Anti-ISIS Campaign