
Trump promises immigration speech in 1 to 2 weeks

Clinton, speaking on CNN, dismissed Trump’s shifting language as “a desperate effort to try to land somewhere that isn’t as devastating to his campaign as his comments and his positions have been up until now”.


There is no evidence of any such thing.

Donald Trump says that many minority groups have suffered under 50 years Democratic policies, particularly in inner cities.

“It’s Watergate all over again”, he claims.

With those words, Donald Trump is back and back with a vengeance, predictably and on schedule. They were quickly escorted out by security as they railed against Trump for “trying to pander to black and Latino leaders”. Like anything with Trump, even after he puts out more detailed plans, they could change.

“I’m starting to worry that he’s panicking and talking to the wrong people because he’s sounding a bit more like the candidates he defeated”, Coulter told MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday.

He called on Clinton to disavow the video.

In news from the campaign trail, Donald Trump is continuing to flip-flop on his immigration policy, sparking controversy among both his allies and opponents.

Trump had originally aimed to give his speech Thursday in Colorado but it was postponed and a makeup date has yet to be announced. For all of the fanfare about his remarks, Trump hasn’t yet said whether he would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain legal status.

James Garcia, a spokesperson for the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, said, “In terms of his [Trump’s] latest position, they’re really unclear”.

“We either have our country or we don’t”. Check. Build a wall? As for Republicans, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) are in favor.

At the time, Bush’s plan was met with derision from Trump, who accused Jeb Bush of being “the weakest person by far” on immigration. After the party conventions, Democrat Hillary Clinton took a big lead, thanks in part to softness from Republicans – which itself was partly sparked by skepticism from college-educated voters and women.

Ben Carson, a Trump ally, and Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee’s communications director, were among the other prominent Republicans present.

But Conway argued on Thursday that Trump isn’t abandoning any position, saying he “is not for amnesty”. But now that he’s down 10 points nationally, he’s maybe re-thinking his approach of courting white voters exclusively and building a very expensive and essentially impossible immigration deportation force.

The Hillary Clinton campaign, through spokesperson Jennifer Palmieri, said this reaffirmation of “Trump being Trump” is fueling a risky movement of hatred across the country, saying Trump’s agenda echoes the extreme right’s will.

And how does Trump plan to get his policies through Congress without doing the same? In it she wrote, “There’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven”.

Rumors and innuendo which have been long confined to the far reaches of the Internet are dominating the presidential race.


Trump supporters on immigrants The results of a Pew Research poll on immigrants was released and the poll, which spoke to 2,010 Americans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia by phone, found that there is a wide difference between what Trump’s supporters feel about immigrants, and what others feel about immigrants.

Trump, aiming to widen support, makes pitch to Hispanics