
Bill Clinton defends Clinton Foundation in Atlanta

Bill Clinton told his staff on Thursday that he would officially step down from the board of the Clinton Foundation if Hillary Clinton becomes the next president and that he will stop fundraising on its behalf.


He said Wikileaks is in possession of “significant” Clinton documents that work “unexpected angles” and would be published before November.

Numerous exchanges document how Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band had only to shoot a quick email to Abedin about, say, how much trouble Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain ($32 million donor to the Clinton Global Initiative plus at least $50,000 from the Kingdom to the foundation) was having getting in to see “hrc”. In the AP’s lawsuit over other Clinton-related files, Leon has said it would be “ridiculous” to allow the State Department to delay until even weeks before the election. Combined, the contributions total as much as $156 million.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has attacked the links between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, saying the scandal shows she is “unfit”.

The State Department said it was proceeding as quickly as it could. State Department officials have said they are unaware of any agency actions influenced by the foundation.

Clearly, none of these details were captured in the promotional tweet. “This is a distorted portrayal of how often she crossed paths with individuals connected to charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation”.

Despite a history of half-truths, lies and other bad behavior by Hillary Clinton and her husband, I was prepared to hold my nose and vote for her to become president. Yet as with many things relating to the couple’s political endeavours, the optics of the arrangement are not good. And no one has proven that Clinton granted special favors to the donors, Clinton allies say.

Paul Colford, the AP’s vice president and director of media relations, defended the AP’s reporting. “No one is above the law“, Pence said in the statement.

The AP report looked only examined the first half of Clinton’s term as secretary of state and it didn’t include more than 1,700 meetings with world leaders – or countless meetings with other US government officials, which Clinton campaign staff pointed out meant the AP report was looking at only a fraction of her time – less than 3 percent.

“The appearance of a conflict of interest is undeniable at this stage”, Klein said, adding, “We’d ask Hillary Clinton those questions if she had a press conference”.

Trump has called for the foundation to shut down immediately and for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate for possible criminal violations.

Former President Bill Clinton says he’s proud of people who have donated to the Clinton Foundation and the work the organization has done, as he waded into a dispute that Republicans are hoping will damage his wife’s presidential campaign.

By the time Trump repeated the story’s findings at his rally almost 24 hours after the promotional tweet, he relayed the AP’s reporting inaccurately.

There is a reasonable possibility that the Russians’ not only hacked the DNC but also hacked Hillary Clinton’s email that she improperly stored in an unsecure server.


That’s not what the AP found, at all. Those planned changes would not affect more than 6,000 donors who have already provided the Clinton charity with more than $2 billion in funding since its creation in 2000. (By the way, #SavedYouAClick Twitter users, you’re not helping.) But there are many more nuanced and important details in the story that are being misrepresented – by the AP’s own promotional tweet, and by Trump.

President Bill Clinton was in Atlanta on Wednesday