
Trump Whiffs Belated Swing At Clinton’s ‘Super-Predators’ Remark

It also shows headlines about a racial discrimination lawsuit the NY real estate mogul faced in the 1970s, Reuters reported, and a recording of comments he made in 2011. On Friday, he also continued his recent push to broaden his base of support among minority voters, convening a roundtable with Latino backers at his hotel in Las Vegas.


Her speech, one of the best of her campaign, was aimed at pre-empting any efforts by the Trump campaign to rebrand itself. “We want people – we have some great people in this country. There’s no amnesty, as such, there’s no amnesty, but we work with them”. The message came about an hour after his Arizona campaign director read a statement saying the event planned for the Hyatt Regency hotel in Phoenix had been cancelled.

He said the country’s GDP growth rate of 1.1 percent in the second quarter was not a good sign for the USA economy. “This is a more fundamental choice – about who we are as a people”.

Hillary Clinton said Friday the charitable programs of her family foundation would continue, perhaps through partnerships with other organizations, if she’s elected president, even as critics argue that would present a conflict of interest.

A day after she launched an attack on the “alt-right” and accused Mr Trump of building his campaign on “prejudice and paranoia”, the Democratic candidate said the NY tycoon was unfit for the White House.

Which was even more negative and insulting, given that the watermelon reference in particular hearkens back to very old racist stereotypes meant to belittle and dehumanize African Americans – except that Trump didn’t actually say it.

Another anonymous GOP staffer, meanwhile, pledged to use the same obstructionist tactics against Clinton that the party has used with such success against President Obama. The video also shows Clinton’s former Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders, denouncing the phrase as “a racist term”.

Trump rejected Clinton’s allegations, defending his hard-line approach to immigration while making the case that she was trying to distract from questions swirling around donations to The Clinton Foundation and her use of her private email servers. The American people will not fall for such game playing and in the end, Trump will learn that only wall he has succeeded in building is a wall of mistrust between him and the voters on election day. Those include describing some Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, suggesting a judge could not be fair because of his Mexican-American heritage, and proposing a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants to combat terrorism.

Trump held a rally in Jackson, Mississippi, where Nigel Farage, the former U.K. Independence Party leader who was one of the strongest supporters of the Brexit vote, appeared.


Trump had vowed during the GOP primary to deport all of the estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally with the help of a “deportation force”. Trump’s still-evolving shift on immigration and his play for black voters recalls the Samuel Johnson gibe (well before the days of political correctness) about a woman preaching: “Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs”.

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