
Massachusetts offers reward in LGBT newspaper box explosion

Authorities are looking into the explosion at the site of the Rainbow Times box on Essex Street, which “rocked” the downtown area of Salem.


This isn’t the first time The Rainbow Times has been a target. Speaking to CBS Boston, the publisher of the paper, Gricel Ocasio said: “When I saw the video, there are no words to express how I felt… This is an opportunity for the community to come together and stand strong”.

Police in Salem are investigating the detonation of an explosive placed inside a news box for an LGBT newspaper as a possible hate crime.

Surveillance video captured a group of vandals who apparently used an explosive device to blow up a box containing The Rainbow Times, a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender newspaper.

Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll is featured on the cover of the August edition.

As the suspects run away from the newspaper box, a large explosion can be seen in the video. Driscoll said she’s “sad and upset” about the incident.

The Fire Marshal’s office says anyone with information about the blast can call the statewide Arson Hotline, which rewards people for helping solve arson cases. The incident occurred at about 1:19 a.m. on Tuesday.

Hatred against our community and any other marginalized community happens everywhere and the progressive City of Salem isn’t an exception.

They ask the public to call Salem Police Detective Kevin St. Pierre at 978-744-0171 ext.179 with any information about the attack.


The flags are also being offered to local residents and businesses to display “to show support for The Rainbow Times and community we so proudly serve”, Lashomb said.

Explosive inside LGBT newspaper box investigated as hate crime