
Clinton henchman says Clinton Foundation critics will burn in Hell

The problem is that there are probably a number of significant questions and concerns that ought to be raised about the Clinton family and its foundation, and the relationship between it and the former Secretary of State, who may soon become president of the United States.


“The specific crimes committed to carry out that enterprise are too numerous to cover in this speech”.

“What the Clinton Foundation does, it takes money from rich people and gives it to poor people”, Politico reported the Ragin’ Cajun saying on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show.

The AP’s reporting was based on official calendars covering Clinton’s entire term plus the more-detailed daily schedules covering roughly half her time as secretary of state.

Donald Trump called Clinton a “bigot” at a rally this week in MS, and again during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Donald Trump, Clinton’s general election opponent, has seized on the Clinton Foundation, alleging that Hillary Clinton and her aides gave megadonors special access while she was secretary of state, reports CBS News correspondent Julianna Goldman.

She dismissed as “ridiculous” Trump’s accusation at a rally in Tampa on Wednesday that Clinton had run the State Department like a “Third World country”, doling out favors and access in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

The AP “focused on Mrs. Clinton’s meetings and calls involving people outside government who were not federal employees or foreign diplomats, because meeting with US or foreign government officials would inherently have been part of her job as secretary of state”, Colford’s statement read.

“It is only now because she is running for president that the work of the Clinton foundation is being tarred”, Fallon said. “Clinton said an Associated Press report on her contacts with Clinton Foundation donors was misleading because it excluded almost 2,000 other meetings”. In fact, despite the awful optics the Clinton Foundation corruption scandal has generated for her campaign, Clinton was in no rush to disassociate herself from the organization.

A number of the people in the AP’s list, including the Nobel prize victor, made no personal donations to the foundation, but were associated with organizations that did.

Bill Clinton has said that if his wife is elected president, the foundation would only accept donations from US citizens and residents and USA -based independent foundations. Clinton is going to argue here today that Trump has found common cause wit a fringe political movement that most Americans have never heard of.

The motor-mouthed left-wing spin doctor and career Clintonista James Carville, says those who try to hinder the fine work of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation will be consigned to the flames of woe.

Bill Clinton told his staff on Thursday that he would officially step down from the board of the Clinton Foundation if Hillary Clinton becomes the next president and that he will stop fundraising on its behalf. But first, she had to address her own controversy over that AP report that found numerous private individuals she met with as secretary had given to the Clinton Foundation first.

On CBS This Morning, fill-in co-host Kevin Frazier parroted talking points: “She also insists her work as Secretary of State was not influenced by any outside forces. I would be looking at the work”, Clinton said. He refuses to release his income tax returns, and he and his properties are involved in numerous tax disputes, with “dozens of tax warrants” filed in NY state alone, according to a USA Today story from May.

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“It is deeply disturbing that he is taking hate groups that lived in the dark regions of the internet, making them mainstream”, Clinton said.

AP  File		Former President Bill Clinton in June 2015