
Clinton enjoying a 43-point lead over Trump among Florida’s Jews

Trump then gave a speech that tried to flip the script and say Clinton was calling Americans racist.


“It was a racist term, and everybody knew it was a racist term”, Sen. Also, President Trump would make sure they didn’t get shot walking down the street.

Trump says Clinton is trying to distract from questions swirling around donations to the Clinton Foundation and her use of her private email servers for official business while secretary of state.

The poll also shows the race to be, for loss of a better term, a negative one in that 64 percent of Trump supporters are mainly voting anti-Clinton and only 25 percent are actual supporters.

Trump, speaking on the Iowa State Fairgrounds with hay bales stacked behind him, sought to clarify his views on how to overhaul the USA immigration system after saying earlier in the week that he was softening on his plan to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants.

As the November election draws closer, Nevada is shaping up as one of Donald Trump’s biggest hopes for a swing state victory. When you have the president of the United States, the head of the justice department, and head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, all presented with a fact pattern of multiple felonies, and actually a conspiracy that’s RICO-style -Racketeer Influenced Criminal Organization style, all saying that she showed extreme carelessness but not indictable. Some started to speculate that Trump’s position towards immigrants had become somewhat softer sparking outrage among anti-immigrant hardliners and core supporters.

Trump – “a man”, according to Clinton, “with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far, dark reaches of the Internet” – surrounds himself with these people.

Only last week, he appointed Stephen Bannon, the head of Breitbart, a far-right “news” site, as his campaign manager. Among the four being honored is former Secretary of State and current Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

The incident permitted Trump to bring up again his desire to be a “law and order” president and underscore his drive to appeal to African-American voters who traditionally vote Democratic and overwhelmingly support Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Unsurprisingly, polling shows that a majority of Americans believe Trump is biased against women and minorities.

In it she observes, “There’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven”.

Representatives from the Trump campaign and state GOP did not immediately return emails and phone calls seeking clarification on the event.

The top 500 donors to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, plotted by zip code.

But the briefing Saturday in suburban NY is her first since she became her party’s nominee.


The briefings have been customary for presidential nominees so the next commander in chief has an understanding of the country’s national security apparatus.

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