
Bellmead Woman Decapitated, Husband Charged For Murder

Upon returning, police found Davie Dauzat having placed his severed wife’s in the freezer.


She said her daughter loved her two young children with all of her heart, and that she was a good mother to them.

Alvarado did confirm, Bellmead Police were called to the home earlier in the day for a welfare check.

The incident happened at a mobile home park on 4300 block of Concord Rd.

After officers returned to the home, they were able to talk Davie Dauzat, who appeared to have blood on him and his clothing, out of the home, Martin said.

When Dauzat came out, he was drenched in his wife’s blood. At that point, local police responded to the address because they’d gotten a call from the brother (whose name hasn’t been released), asking deputies to “locate and speak to Davie” because the brother was “concerned about Davie’s well-being”.

‘Emergency responders and rescue people come out here from time to time trying to help people with medical issues, and of course Bellmead (police) out here for fights, but we’ve never had this many police out here at once, ‘ Lee said to the Waco Tribune.

Amusing and weird enough to inspire his unnamed brother to call law enforcement to do a welfare check on the Texas father.

Davie Dauzat briefly barricaded himself inside a trailer with two children, ages 1 and 2, before police convinced him to surrender, according to reports.

“His brother informed dispatch he was not sure if his “weird statements” and “funny questions” were drug related”, police said in a release, according to KWTX.

At the time the couple’s two toddlers were home, but weren’t hurt. Davie Dauzat reportedly told police that he had killed his wife before he was arrested on the murder charge and booked into McLennan County Jail with a $500,000 surety bond listed.


A source close to the investigation said Natasha had been stabbed before she was decapitated.

Davie Dauzat