
US election: Donald Trump vows to begin deportations immediately if sworn in

This marks a 7-point drop from the poll’s Tuesday edition, which showed Clinton held a 12-point edge over the real estate mogul, 45 to 33.


While there are differences in how they say it, supporters of both do seem to care about the same issues with foreign policy ranked as the number one topic on the Clinton subreddit and number two for Trump.

Polls show Trump and Pence down by almost 10 points in Virginia.

Based on a previous Grammarly study, Clinton’s Facebook supporters made 6.3 errors per 100 words while Trump’s were doubly as erroneous.

“We’ve been doing very, very well with the Latinos”. We’ve been doing fantastic, far, far greater … than anyone understands. Whether Trump is a genuine bigot or just cynically appealing to bigoted sentiment is not a question we can answer.

He said the country’s GDP growth rate of 1.1 percent in the second quarter was not a good sign for the US economy.

Pence said the Republicans’ priorities would be to build a stronger military and defeat ISIS, repeal the Affordable Care Act in its entirety, and promote, rather than curtail, the use of the nation’s coal resources. In the meantime, he has been softening his tone on immigration and reaching out to African-Americans, a traditional Democratic constituency.

Clinton attacks came during a hard week for her campaign, as the release of new emails from her time as secretary of state revived criticism of her decision to use a private address and server rather than a government one.

Hours after State Department officials confirmed on Monday that FBI investigators had uncovered almost 15,000 additional emails that Clinton’s attorneys had failed to disclose during their probe into her email practices, Trump called for a special prosecutor to take over the case.

Clinton said the private Clinton Foundation’s charitable programs would continue if she’s elected, even as Trump and other critics argue they would present a conflict of interest. He warned them that if his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, wins in November, the US would have open borders. Those include describing some Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, suggesting a judge could not be fair because of his Mexican-American heritage, and proposing a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to combat terrorism.

Prominent black voices throughout the country have scolded Trump’s outreach methods, calling them tone-deaf and out of touch.

Immigration was the third most discussed topic on the Trump subreddit, but didn’t make Clinton’s top five, instead replaced by the economy and jobs.

“General cluelessness about racial dynamics will diminish any possible black support that comes from Trump’s emphasis on job creation”, she said.

Marc Morial, the president of the National Urban League, agreed, telling The Times: “Black America has deep problems. but black America also has a large community of striving, successful, hard-working people: college educated, in the work force”.


Instead of deporting all 11 million people living illegally in the United States as he had suggested before, he said only criminals would go.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Manchester N.H. Thursday Aug. 25 2016