
Krauthammer column: Clinton, emails and the bribery standard

Similar statements were released by other Republican leaders, including GOP chairman Reince Priebus, who called on Clinton to “call for their release or release them herself”.


Russ Feingold said this week that if Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonKasich: I don’t know what we’re hearing from Trump on immigration Clinton’s State schedules won’t be fully released until after election: AP Doctor waited until last minute to write letter endorsing Trump’s health MORE wins the presidency, her family foundation should “probably” be shut down.

There are more schedules that have yet to be released, with the State Department saying it can not comply with a court-order until after the election.

The State Department will hold-up the public release of undisclosed details from Hillary Clinton’s daily schedule as secretary of state until after the presidential election. The tabulation published Tuesday does not include the meetings and phone calls with representatives of 16 foreign governments that contributed as much as $170 million to the foundation. She told CNN: “My work as secretary of state was not influenced by any outside forces”. She also said there would be no more email revelations even though Wikileaks hacktivists have promised quite the opposite.

Accusations have been made about the Clinton Foundation and some of the more questionable donors by Donald Trump on the campaign trail, as well as by progressives who are not pleased with Hillary Clinton’s democratic nomination.

“You don’t just turn an off and on switch”, Clinton said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, when asked why she and her husband do not simply transfer the organization’s work to another similar nonprofit, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, the firm that sued the State Department for the records, championed the uncovered emails, but cautioned that the federal government has moved at a glacial pace. “Who are those people?”

Some Republicans continue to demand that the Clintons immediately shut down the foundation altogether, and emails keep trickling out showing how big donors to the foundation may have had back-door access to the State Department while Clinton ran it.

Instead, because the State Department said it did not know how many pages were left, Leon ordered it in January to release at least 600 pages of schedules every 30 days. Early this year, three Federal Bureau of Investigation field offices recommended launching a criminal conflict of interest probe between the State Department and the foundation. Each 600-page group covers about three months of Clinton’s tenure.


The AP report said 85 of the 154 people from private interests that she met with or had phone conversations donated more than $156 million to her family charity or pledge commitments to its global programs.

25 2016 shows Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaking at a campaign event in Reno Nevada. Hillary Clinton said