
New Star Wars Battlefront mode detailed

At the same time, I understand that a lot of players dive into multiplayer for the likes of Battlefield and Call of Duty without ever trying their single-player campaigns, but come on, it’s Star Wars!


Each team commences with two control points, with the battle initially revolving around gaining control of the fifth at the centre of the map. The teams must try to take control of all five points before each 10 minute round is complete. Both teams will start with two areas under their control, with aim to take over the other three. This sounds like a similar style to Battlefield’s Conquest mode but once the center point has been gained, the other control points will then need to be claimed in a set order.

Iconic characters such as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and even Boba Fett will be in the game and each has its own advantage in attacking and taking control of control points, which players can utilize.

DICE and Electronic Arts revealed another multiplayer mode for Star Wars: Battlefront on Thursday.

In a fantastic interview over on Gamespot, Peter Moore has dropped some bombs on a variety of topics, not least of which was the reasoning behind upcoming Star Wars shooter Battlefront’s lack of single-player campaign.

I’ll wait to see some footage before passing judgement, but Supremacy’s large maps and variety of ways in which to play are another exciting addition to EA’s highly anticipated title. To be fair though, it is stated that you can play the game by yourself if you wanted to, and (according to EA anyways) research data indicates that a single player campaign would most likely be a waste of time and resources. Supremacy also keeps all the fighting centralized.

Star Wars Battlefront will be released on November 19th on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For example, the central control point on the Endor map is a Ewok village in the trees that offers multiple ways of entering huts and a degree of verticality.


You’re thrown into a massive frontline, where your screen is filled with adversaries: “infantry, Heroes, Walkers, and starfighters”, said lead level designer Dennis Brännvall in an official blog post. That kind of verticality is really interesting.

Star Wars: Battlefront's Supremacy mode is just like Battlefield's Conquest