
Fox Still Committed to Franchise Amidst Box Office Flop — Fantastic Four’ News

The superhero film amassed a mere $26.2 million domestically, and was criticized by fans of the franchise and movie critics alike.


Unfortunately for Fox, the movie didn’t fare that much better overseas, where Hollywood tentpoles often try to make up lost ground. Also, since he’s such a huge fan of the character, he’d likely jump right in, especially if the movie turns out to be an enormous success. A sequel has already been dated for 2017, although it remains to be seen if it will come to fruition.

This not only clears the release schedule for the aforementioned Deadpool sequel, but also potentially sets the scene for the rights to the Fantastic Four being returned to Marvel, leaving them free to join the Avengers and Spidey in an expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Media outlets are now pondering on the fate of the “Fantastic Four” sequel after the reboot barely met its production budget of $120 (AU$163) million.

Fantastic Four” was widely panned by critics and received a paltry 9% score on review site Rotten Tomatoes.

As of this writing, Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four has made $25.6 million.

Audiences have rarely given superhero movies variations of a C grade, even those that have failed at the box office.

Josh Trank’s “Fantastic Four” has not performed well at the box office.

The “Chronicle” director expressed his frustration in Twitter but is quick to delete the tweet. A large part of that is thought to be due to disharmony between Trank and the studio, who eventually wrangled control of the movie out of his hands.

So if you enjoyed the comics, the cartoons and the last Fantastic Four movies, get to the cinemas from Friday and relieve your unwavering love for Mr Stretch, The Invisible Woman, Human Torch and The Thing.

What direction the franchise will take remains to be seen.


It’s all going belly up for the “Fantastic Four” reboot. Either way, it’s clear the studio will need to drastically rethink its approach if it plans on bringing Marvel’s first family back to the big screen. Thats what all the latest intel is telling us, and we just have to accept it, no matter how big of a flopthe first film was.

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