
Trump’s Doctor Spent 5 Minutes Writing His Health Report

Harold Bornstein, who says he has been Mr Trump’s personal physician for 36 years, first cropped up in the campaign in December when he issued a glowing assessment of the billionaire’s health.


“I like that sentence to be quite honest with you and all the rest of them are either sick or dead”, Dr. Bornstein told NBC, presumably grouping President Obama and his living predecessors in the Oval Office in the “sick” category.

NBC NEWS: Is that the way that you write most of your medical letters?

Bornstein told NBC News that yes, indeed, he does sound a bit like Trump – perhaps because he’s around him so much and has found himself influenced by that type of language.

Bornstein said he usually does not use such language while making reports, only Trump’s was an exception.

According to CNN, Bornstein, who claims he’s a member of the College of American Gastroenterology, has not actually belonged to the organization for 20 years.

The doctor, of York’s Lenox Hill Hospital, says he may have overstated the case “so that they [the Trump campaign] would be happy”.

Now that it has been made clear that the letter is fraudulent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is sure to make light of this fact in upcoming campaign advertisements, another blow to Trumps’s presidential hopes. It’s a unusual letter that’s absurd to look at it on face value. Kurt Eichenwald noted the doctor said Trump had received only “positive results” during a recent examination – when testing “positive” generally suggests a bad result.

After some raised questions online about the security of Bornstein’s older Windows operating system seen in the interview, his wife who works in the office said Windows XP is not used for patient records and “we have no medical records online”.

CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta opined on that part of Bornstein’s letter on August 23 (video below): “How do you know that?”

“I want my health information to be accurate, I want the information I write about someone else to be accurate, and I guess we all wonder, if this part’s inaccurate, what else is inaccurate, too?” she said.


I’m not a doctor, but I know a thing or two about health. Given Trump’s conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, it’s a curious dynamic.

'His health is excellent especially his mental health' Bornstein confirmed