
Record 24 million tune in to GOP hopefuls’ forum

The closest was a 1992 debate between Al Gore and Ross Perot on CNN’s “Larry King Live”, which was seen by 16.8 million people, according to Nielsen. He acknowledged that he has said some inappropriate things about women in the past.


Possibly the most controversial statement Trump made was his warning that he could run as an independent if he does not get the Republican nomination.

Trump, who was joined by nine other candidates at the debate Thursday evening, faced tough questions about his past disparaging comments about women and being the sole candidate to refuse to pledge his support to the eventual party nominee. After facing criticism from the network on Friday, Trump wrote on Twitter that Fox News “should be ashamed”. Mr. Trump excelled in what was his first ever debate against a group of all talk, no action politicians. “Maybe tomorrow, I won’t be, so you take it one day at a time”. “But I wouldn’t do that”.

“Only Rosie O’Donnell”, Trump quipped.

But with the morning, Trump ventured into kinder, gentler territory: on Friday, he complimented each his top-tier GOP rivals during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe“.

Democrats have enjoyed the summer of Trump and hope it lasts long enough to inflict serious damage on the Republican brand.

Trump didn’t disappoint, flashing his trademark brash persona throughout the two-hour debate.

When speaking to Stephanopoulos, Trump said he didn’t think the debate was fair. I’ll take the questions that I’m asked. I gave to a foundation that, frankly, that foundation is supposed to do good. “Their performance was outstanding”.

At the end of the debate, God used Facebook video to ask the candidates whether they hear him. One at the very beginning when he was announced. Still, even the earlier forum attracted a larger audience than all but five of 18 Republican debates televised during the 2012 election cycle.

Kasich had the lowest poll numbers of the GOP candidates going into the prime-time debate, but he received a warm welcome from his home state crowd and won praise for a series of answers that stood out, including his response about same-sex marriage.


With Fox News having the exclusive telecast, viewers who don’t have cable were forced to look elsewhere for video streams and clips.

Donald Trump winner