
Donald Trump plans major advertisement buy after weeks of being outspent

Facing pushback from figures on the right like former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and right-wing commentator Ann Coulter, Trump then backtracked during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.


Her Republican competitor, Donald Trump, has a 20.5 percent chance of coming out on top of the presidential race. But any significant shift could disappoint his core supporters. And I’m tired of hearing politicians try to gain votes on the backs of immigrants, both legal and undocumented, by calling one another bigots. Clinton has the highest negative numbers of any major Presidential candidate in recent history except for one – Donald Trump.

Clinton spoke for around 15 minutes and touched on a number of policy topics, including minimum wage, mental health, gun control and education. She is stressing the need to fully integrate mental health services into the USA health care system. Her agenda would focus on early diagnosis and intervention and create a national initiative for suicide prevention.

Trump’s tweet Sunday suggested he was poised to clear up questions about his immigration stance.

“But at the end of the day, this election is a choice, and it’s a choice between two agendas, not so much as two candidates”, Donald Trump’s running mate said during a rally in Perry, Georgia, on Monday afternoon.

Impact Network, founded by Jackson and his wife Beverly, bills itself as the “fastest growing African American founded Christian Network” and boasts a reach to 50 million homes through various television providers.

“There was really no policy beyond building a wall”. (He said he might make an exception if a child had parents who are “very bad people.”) In theory, that could affect about 4.5 million people born in the United States to parents who were undocumented immigrants.

But lately, Trump has been exploring the issue’s complexities.

The Latest on the USA presidential campaign.

Trump, however, eventually clarified that he was attacking illegal Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals, not all Mexican immigrants.

The speech has been rescheduled at least once.

But Trump surrogates – people chosen by the campaign to speak on his behalf – have told voters that Mrs Clinton suffered a stroke and has seizures. The campaign also blamed staff error for reports that it had been scheduled for August 31 in Phoenix.

Jackson, who identified himself as a Democrat and said he is undecided on how he’ll vote in November, said that he believes it is “important that Mr. Trump be able to speak to our community and be able to lay out his plan for our community”.


Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway has been emphasizing that the so-called “softening” is “more [about] approach than policy”.

Trump warns of regulations, taxes harming family farmers