
Trump surrogate apologizes for tweeting cartoon of Clinton in blackface

I am not Donald Trump.


Pastor Mark Burns, the Trump surrogate who tweeted the image Monday afternoon, told MSNBC that he stands by it.

“I ain’t no ways exhausted of pandering to African Americans”, the other text in the tweet reads. She also sports a shirt that reads “No hot sauce no peace!”

Earlier Monday evening, he defended the blackface drawing.

“You’re accusing Hillary Clinton of pandering to African-American voters – and yet Donald Trump has yet to lay out and enumerate his plans to create jobs, to deal with the crime issues that he’s talking about”, said Welker.

The cartoon also depicts Clinton as saying, “I ain’t no ways exhausted of pandering to African-Americans”.

Burns, pastor of the Harvest Praise & Worship Center in Easely, S.C., said he was speaking as an individual when he sent the tweet, not as an African-American advisor and surrogate for Trump.

As of Monday night, Burns’ Twitter feed still contained a retweet also from Monday of a picture from what appears to be a Halloween party where a man dressed as a hillbilly is standing with a person in blackface.

Whatever Trump is doing- he does have plans to give an interview to a black evangelical TV network over the weekend – it doesn’t seem to be working.

The African-American community is finally getting the picture. “Who lives in a society where we are at the bottom of the totem pole and yet we are still voting en masse for the policies that are keeping us there”.

She’s discussed systemic racial inequality on the campaign trail, campaigning at times with a group of the mothers of young African-Americans killed by police.


Pastor Mark Burns deleted the tweet and posted a statement via Periscope in which he said, “My intentions were honorable”, and that he wanted to point out that black people have been taken for granted by Democrats and by Clinton’s campaign. “She does pander, and the policies are not good for African Americans”. “I really am a shepherd to God’s people and the last thing I would want to do is offend people”.

Trump Surrogate Tweets Cartoon Of Hillary Clinton In Blackface