
Donald Trump to Address African Americans in Detroit on Saturday

The report said Burns organized a meeting between Trump and the church’s leader, Bishop Wayne T. Jackson. The same poll found that 59 percent of all likely voters said they agreed with the statement that “the way Donald Trump talks appeals to bigotry”.


In the early days of Trump’s real estate business, he was investigated and sued by the Department of Justice for housing discrimination when he refused to rent apartments to African Americans.

Burns added that Trump will also outline policies, which will impact disenfranchised minorities. “So many doors within the African American community within this country have opened up for Mr. Trump and we were really just being strategic and make sure we chose the right place”.

Just when you think you’ve heard it all in this insane presidential election campaign, there’s this: a New Black Panthers leader agrees with Donald Trump about the Democrats’ treatment of blacks in America. As the only African American Christian Television Network, we believe that both candidates understand the importance of reaching our viewers.

Jackson said that he will be presenting questions to Trump that are “relevant to our community, especially when it comes to economic opportunity, to jobs, and also when you look at numerous African Americans who have shot by police”.

“The truth of the matter is, Donald Trump is laying out in that tweet – in short form; it is, what, 140 characters – that we have a choice to make as a country”, Pence said.

In Iowa Trump blamed what he said were the failed policies of the Democratic Party for causing the “crushing poverty” that blacks in urban neighbourhoods endure. “There are many adversities and setbacks in our communities when it comes to crime, education and jobs”.

Trump has been direct in his approach on the campaign trail, though he’s made his appeals in front of predominantly white crowds in suburban areas. You’re schools are no good.

Trump made a stark pitch earlier this month to African-American voters in MI, saying of voting for him: “What the hell do you have to lose?”

Off the campaign trail Monday, but never off twitter, Donald Trump’s rapid fire tweets are nearly all about his new focus: the black vote.


The same guy who called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, said that he wants to ban Muslims from entering America, and has been sued multiple times for racial discrimination against African Americans at his properties now fashions himself the new standard-bearer for racial equality in America? “I applaud him for coming to the inner city and sitting down and feeling the heartbeat of the people”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced via Twitter that he would make a major speech on illegal immigration in Arizona on Wednesday August 31. REUTERS  Carlo Allegri