
No solution without integration: Muivah

The approach is to try and arrive at a wide consensus even as the broad pattern of a more detailed accord is worked out in coming months. “Sumi declared, further, that the Nagas” struggle for ‘sovereignty was an worldwide political conflict between nations”, that “we do not recognize global boundaries” and insisted on ‘the intrinsic ideal of a compact Naga nation comprising every Naga-inhabited area as historically established’. “Thus, NSCN-IM “kilo kilonser” (‘home minister”) R.H. Raising has asserted, “we have agreed to share sovereign power with each other” and that “integration will be in the (final) agreement”. However, the parties have been cautious in handling and explaining of the nature of the agreement.


The NSCN-IM leader said the Naga people shall be the master of their own fate and shape their destiny due to their unique history. The Government of India had also extended the ceasefire with the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khole-Kitovi). READ ALSO: PM Modi promises to consult NE states on Naga accord details Muivah said the Centre has recognized the Naga issue as an issue that needs a political solution.

“We are confident that the framework agreement signed on August 3 would provide for ensuring an inclusive peaceful coexistence of two entities”, he said, while describing the idea of a “shared sovereignty” between the Indians and the Nagas.

“Let us hope that beginning with the Naga Peace Accord, we will be able to see the dawn of peace and development in Nagaland very soon”, he said. In 2011, Khaplang had also expelled the group’s General Secretary N. Kitovi Zhimomi and Commander in Chief Khole Konyak, two senior leaders, alleging that their dedication to the Naga cause was “doubtful” and blamed them for “celebrating unification anniversary” when cadres were being killed by security forces.

“India has realized that the Nagas can’t be suppressed”. New Delhi has been busy assuring neighbouring states that their interests will be protected. But attempting to extend the Article 371A, which is for the State of Nagaland, to other Naga areas outside it (Nagaland) will unlikely to produce positive result.

She chared the government with being “arrogant” in not briefing Congress chief ministers of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Assam despite their states being “directly affected” by the pact. They may feel that such arrangement may violate the Federal structure of the Constitution of India. “Without the Naga integration, there can not be a complete solution”, Muivah said after hosting the “Naga National Flag”. David Joseph Schwartz, who was an American motivational writer and coach, best known for authoring The Magic of Thinking Big in 1959 said, “Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches, or pounds, or college degrees, or family background; they are measured by the size of their thinking”.


While Government of India and NSCN (I-M) were discussing on the “methodology” of integration, it was “not wise on our part” to comment on it, said NSCN (I-M) emissary to collective leadership, V.S.Atem Friday.

Naga peace accord Vested interests are spreading false propaganda