
Apple, GM Join White House Initiative to Address Gender Pay Gap

Reviewing hiring and promotion processes and procedures to reduce unconscious bias and structural barriers.


These companies join the first 28 companies that signed the pledge back in June when President Obama first launched the initiative – included in the first round were other tech heavy hitters, like Airbnb, Amazon, Cisco,, Pinterest, and Spotify. The new signatories were announced on Friday, which was the anniversary of the Women’s Equality Day.

In the USA, woman in full-time employment typically only early 79 percent of what an average man working full-time all year earns.

“Women employees at Apple earn one dollar for every dollar male employees earn”, Apple said in a statement.

The gap is larger for black and Latina women, who earn 63 and 54 percent respectively of what men earn.

Intel also reported closing its own gender pay gap in 2015.

Facebook said in its pledge that it was “a longtime supporter of equal pay” and for many years had regularly reviewed its compensation practices to ensure pay equity.

A total of 29 companies signed the White House pledge on Friday. However, it is now a reminder that women haven’t attained full equality with men.

More than 50 companies and organizations – employing millions of Americans – have signed the White House’s pledge.

Some of the companies including Apple, Facebook and Intel issued statements saying that they already pay women and men equally.

Women’s Equality Day has been celebrated for 45 years.


We believe women shouldn’t have to make the unnecessary choice between family and career and they can grow a career at the same pace as a family.

Apple, GM Join White House Initiative to Address Gender Pay Gap