
Clinton Unpopularity at New High, on Par With Trump

Donald Trump remained even less popular, the poll showed.


Among registered voters, 59 percent rate Clinton unfavorably, vs. 60 percent for Trump.

Working in her favor, however, are Donald Trump’s overall numbers which are worse than Clinton’s.

Sixty percent of highly educated voters (those with post-graduate degrees) said earlier this month that they viewed Clinton favorably.

Since, then, however, Clinton has become entangled in an ongoing controversy regarding conflicts of interest between her State Department and her family foundation, all while questions surrounding her use of a private email server have kept percolating. George H.W. Bush was unfavorable among 53 percent voters in a poll in July 1992, before losing his re-election bid.

The Post said this is worse for Clinton because she was polling evenly after the Democratic convention, but her favorable ratings have taken a sharp dive in the last month.

Among Hispanics, Clinton’s popularity has fallen 16 points.

Both Clinton and Trump have received low favorability ratings from voters throughout the 2016 general election process.

The poll once again highlights the unpopularity of both candidates.

As the Post put it, “If it weren’t for Trump, in fact, Clinton would be the most unpopular major-party presidential nominee in modern American history”.

According to the survey, taken August 24-28 among 1,020 adults, 63% of respondents said they saw the GOP nominee unfavorably, while only 35% said the opposite.


The poll’s margin-of-error was 3.5 percentage points.

WARREN MI- AUGUST 11 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton delivers a speech on the U.S economy at Futuramic Tool & Engineering