
NBC Poll: Clinton’s Lead Over Trump Dips Slightly To 6 Points

The Washington Post’s anti-Trump Republican blogger Jennifer Rubin wrote up the imaginary election in some detail today, identifying ten things a “normal” Republican – she uses Trump’s own running mate Mike Pence as an example – would be doing differently from Trump, avoiding many of his controversies and distractions and making the election “about” Hillary Clinton and dissatisfaction with the status quo.


But, similar to Trump, Clinton’s physician has repeatedly affirmed her health and fitness.

In fact, the real Donald Trump outsourced his products and jobs to 12 different countries. And recently, he’s tried to reach out to African-American voters, describing black communities as filled with high crime and high unemployment and asking, “What the hell do you have to lose?”

Among battleground states, Trump is competitive to Clinton in Florida and OH, but he is facing a tougher challenge in Pennsylvania. “This is the most unpredictable electoral season that I certainly can remember and I am running against someone who will say or do anything”, Clinton said. On Election Day, Perot got 19% of the popular vote and possibly cost George Bush the election to Bill Clinton.

But here we are on August 29, and the trending political story isn’t Clinton’s sketchy behavior while she was Secretary of State – it’s the fact that Trump himself donated $100,000 to the Clinton Initiative.

Clinton’s campaign released an annotated version of his letter Monday morning, pointing inconsistencies and apparent typos.

Both Clinton and Trump has started to prepare for their upcoming presidential debates.

The tradition of televised presidential debates dates back to 1960, when a sweating Richard Nixon failed to overcome the telegenic John F Kennedy.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday shot back at claims that he was meddling in the United States election in favor of Donald Trump.

According to the analysis, Clinton’s campaign over the past year and a half has aired more than 70,000 ads at an estimated cost of $57 million, while Priorities USA Action, a super PAC supporting Clinton, has aired 28,000 ads at an estimated cost of $26.7 million. A pro-Trump super PAC, Rebuilding America Now PAC, supplemented that spending by airing about 5,000 ads at an estimated cost of $5.4 million.

That was evident in late July, when WikiLeaks dumped a new round of emails that showed the Democratic National Committee colluded with the Clinton campaign to undermine rival Bernie Sanders, and even floated ideas like portraying Sanders as an atheist to reduce his chances of winning primaries in heavily religious states.

“He is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party”, she said.

In comments broadcast on Fox News on Wednesday night, Trump said he would be willing to work with immigrants who have abided by USA laws while living in the country, backing away from his insistence during the primaries that he would try to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP nominee, lost eight of those nine states Trump is targeting (the exception being North Carolina).


If 2016 were just another presidential election year, the still-red Georgia would likely still be at least four, if not eight, years away from being a genuinely competitive general election state.

The US presidential election slated to be held in November appears to have tightened as a series of latest national polls projected that Republican Donald Trump has gained some ground in the last week against Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party