
Make Safety And Responsibility A Priority As Dove Season Opens

After considering public feedback, the advisory council unanimously endorsed the proposal to open these state wildlife areas for Sunday hunting (with the exception of two state-designated dog training areas) during the legal hunting hours of 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset.


While most folks are worrying about back-to-school chores, planning a final weekend at the beach, or prepping for upcoming football seasons, DE hunters have begun their pursuits of whitetail deer, doves, and resident Canada geese. Quite like the first Saturday of college football, the first day of dove season is called the start of hunting season. There is no limit on Eurasian Collard Doves, and they can hunt them year-round.

Hunters should take serious notice of how the field was prepared before hunting.

What can dove hunters expect to find in the fields this season? More information about these different dove, including images, can be found online at Hunting migratory birds with the aid of bait is illegal, and it is the hunter’s responsibility to know if the field is baited or not. The most frequent citation written in MS has been no hunting license.

Sunflower, millet and wheat, which generally provide good dove-hunting opportunities, have been planted at several wildlife management areas across the state.

Dove hunting is a big deal in Texas, not just in the number of participants, but for the contributions to local economies in rural areas of the state.

In the Special White-winged Dove Area, the season runs September 3-4, 10-11, September 23 – November 9, December 17 – January 23, 2017.

The total bag limit for mourning and white-winged doves is 15 per day with no more than 45 in possession. During the general season opens, the aggregate bag limit is 15 with no more than two white-tipped doves. The possession limit is triple the daily bag limit.


All hunters are required to have a migratory game bird endorsement on their valid hunting license, which costs $7 on top of the cost of a license.

Make Safety And Responsibility A Priority As Dove Season Opens