
Pope applauds Colombia peace deal but sidesteps truth panel

The Pope “reiterates his support for the goal of attaining the peace and reconciliation of the entire Colombian people, in light of human rights and Christian values, which are at the heart of Latin American culture”, stated an August 31 communique from the Vatican Secretary of State.


Pope Francis, the Vatican said, “reiterates his support for the goal of attaining the peace and reconciliation of the entire Colombian people in light of human rights and Christian values, which are at the heart of Latin American culture”.

Pope Francis on Wednesday welcomed the end of Colombia’s war with the FARC rebels but declined an invitation to help establish a court to prosecute atrocities committed during the conflict.

The conflict has claimed 260,000 lives since 1964. “Long live social justice, Colombia and peace!”

Efforts to launch peace talks with a smaller rebel group, the National Liberation Army (ELN), have yet to bear fruit.

FARC fighters are expected to vote on the accord in September and a popular vote is expected in Colombia in early October.

Despite the historic compromise, a right-wing fringe has condemned the peace deal, led by former president Alvaro Uribe.

The deal would incorporate some of FARC’s leadership into the government in exchange for their disarmament and renunciation of kidnapping and drug trafficking.

This vote, to be held on Sunday, Oct. 2, “is clear, simple, and leaves no room for confusion”, he said. “Thanks to the Congress of the Republic, which with an overwhelming majority and in record time has endorsed the call for a referendum that I presented it with last Thursday, that referendum is now a reality”, Santos said at the Casa de Nariño presidential palace.


He also said there’s nothing confusing about the question because “it’s not about whether Colombians want peace or not, but is rather very specific about whether they support the final accord or not”. “The Holy See was always willing to help and do what it could”.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos center left and first lady Maria Clemencia de Santos arrive at the Colombian Congress in Bogota to present the FARC peace accord on Aug. 25 2016