
Clinton pitches her foreign policy to American Legion

Almost a week after Donald Trump rejigged his faltering presidential campaign, rival Hillary Clinton still holds her lead but the gap has gradually eroded to six points compared to the 13-point lead early this month. The interview revealed that the doctor has seen Clinton’s record and said that it was “really not so good”.


In a troubling sign for the former secretary of state, her popularity fell dramatically among all voters who were some of her most reliable supporters.

His campaign said the new appointments were created to bolster “business-like approach” of Trump’s campaign. “It’s not just about differences over policy”, Clinton told an American Legion convention in Cincinnati.

Speaking to the American Legion convention meeting in Cincinnati this week, she took direct aim at her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, who she said has made it clear he does not value America’s allies overseas.

Trump sought to correct course in Washington state on Tuesday, saying millions of black Americans “have succeeded greatly” in art, science, sports, and other endeavours.

“It means we recognize America’s unique and unparalleled ability” to lead, she said. They advocate for more engagement of the USA internationally to spread democratic ideals, while Trump has often taken a more isolationist approach.

The survey, released Wednesday, shows just 41 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, while 56 percent say they have an unfavorable impression.

Hillary Clinton is more disliked than she has ever been.

Hillary Clinton’s favorability ratings have plummeted to their lowest point of any time during her 25-year career in public service, a new poll out Wednesday showed.

“Having said that”, Thomas continued, “I’d be lying if I didn’t say I like it when my candidate is up by 8 or 10 points, but 2-plus months out is way too soon to get worked up if he or she is down 8 or 10 points”.

Fox’s polls are included in those used by the Commission on Presidential Debates to determine whether either of the third-party candidates meet the 15% threshold needed to win a spot on the stage next month.

The political website “Real Clear Politics” has averaged the most seven recent national polls. She registered at 40 percent favorable/57 percent unfavorable in July, according to Post/ABC polling – and then had a post-convention high of 46 percent favorable/52 percent unfavorable.

Clinton and Trump are the most unpopular presidential candidates in modern United States politics.


Trump, he said, stands outside that consensus – something the Clinton campaign has attempted to exploit in courting Republican voters concerned about his rhetoric and lack of government experience. That was my job every day as your secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton has appealed to Republicans concerned about Donald Trump s security credentials