
Top aide: Trump ‘remarkably consistent’ on illegal immigration

It ended after Trump invited to the stage “angel moms” – a term for parents who’ve lost children, but it’s now being redefined by the alt-right as parents who’ve lost children at the hands of immigrants.


He added, “There will be no amnesty”.

Trump will deliver his immigration policy speech in Phoenix, AZ, at 6 p.m. local time, 9 p.m. ET.

Such plans nearly always come with preconditions an immigrant must meet to earn legal status or, in plans supported by more liberal lawmakers, citizenship. Trump’s past comments on building a wall on the southwestern border and making Mexico pay for it, and his references to Mexico “sending people that have lots of problems” to the USA – including “rapists” – set off a firestorm on both sides of the border.

With the meeting held behind closed doors, it was impossible to know who was telling the truth.

Trump had previously called for a “deportation force”.

Enforce our current immigration laws, with ICE beginning to deport illegal immigrants with criminal records.

Trump said during the GOP primaries that he believes children born to those in the country illegally are not US citizens, a position that stands in stark contrast to the widely accepted interpretation of the 14th Amendment. “Where they’re relevant is what I say to the candidate that I support, privately”.

The speech was scheduled for last week but Trump’s campaign postponed it.

Trump is trailing Clinton in opinion polls and the NY businessman’s aides hoped the trip would make him look presidential and show he was willing to deal head-on with thorny issues such as relations with Mexico.

“We have some great people in this country”.

Trump’s escape hatch on his belated quandary of what to do with more than 10 million illegals who are not criminals, was to simply not mention them. In addition, a Government Accountability Office report in January said it is hard to track how much money Mexican immigrants working illegally in the United States are sending vs. money sent by those working legally.

“This is nothing but another attack against immigrants that would have devastating consequences for Latinos and Americans overall, endangering our economy, our democracy, our foreign policy and security”, Alex said. But there’ll be no path to legalization, no path to citizenship unless people leave the country.

He also voiced the need for extreme vetting of immigrants from countries, as well as a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on”.

Trump repeatedly emphasized that his first focus would be deporting undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes in the United States.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has claimed that he could build his proposed U.S. -Mexico barrier for about $8 billion – a figure that numerous experts have described as dubious because of the costs and other obstacles to building a lengthy, impenetrable concrete barrier through numerous jurisdictions. And they wouldn’t say whether it was worrisome that such a consequential proposal remained unclear so close to the November 8 election.

Donald Trump is praising the decision of Hillary Clinton’s top aide to separate from husband Anthony Weiner.

Implement a real E-Verify system that will stop employers from hiring illegal immigrants.


“Trump is giving an extremely broad definition of this section of the Patriot Act and what it allows, and it’d surely be litigated”, said Stuart Anderson, executive director of the National Foundation for American Policy, a nonpartisan think tank in Virginia.

Trump plans detailed immigration talk as questions remain