
Obama’s Goal: 85000 Refugees to Enter US by End of 2016

The White House touted its Syrian refugee expansion, proclaiming in a statement on Katrina’s anniversary that the 10,000th refugee will enter the USA that day.


“While refugee admissions are only a small part of our broader humanitarian efforts in Syria and the region, the President understood the important message this decision would send, not just to the Syrian people but to the broader global community”, Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice said in a statement.

Obama would like to see a “ramping up of those efforts” but is realistic about how quickly that could happen, he said.

Obama administration officials said that Syrian refugees get the highest scrutiny of any immigrant, including some whose social media is being checked for signs of radical action.

The 10,000th Syrian refugee will arrive in the United States today, NBC News reported.

The region which includes Syria increased it’s cap a mere 1,000 spots from the previous year, which should put to rest most of the religious fears coming from those who suspect that Muslims are evil and intent on doing harm to the U.S. He said 92 percent of applications get approved, while 8 percent are rejected, according to The Times.

Syria’s civil war has led to a flood of millions of refugees.

“We will admit at least 85,000 refugees in total this year, including vulnerable individuals and families from Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Iraq, Somalia, Ukraine, and many other countries”. Glendale, Arizona has taken in nearly 370 in 2016 so far. The screening process for refugees entering the United States is extremely rigorous and can take from 18 to 24 months – sometimes even longer.


Close on Michigan’s heels is California, which has taken in 1,030 Syrians between October 1 of previous year and August 29, the federal figures show.

The Jouriyeh family are headed to the U.S. as part of a resettlement program