
Boy who bought cops lunch gets surprise of his own

To return a 5-year-old boy’s incredible generosity, police officers in New Jersey presented the child with his very own patrol vehicle, customized just for him.


Police officers had a special delivery for a 5-year-old who treated them to lunch last week.

William Evertz Jr., known as Bubba to his family, had been saving for a power wheels police auto, reported, but last week he decided he wanted to do something different with the money he made from allowance and doing chores around the house. “Thanks to VCI of Berlin, who were able to replicate and donate our actual Winslow Township Police auto decals”. He had been saving up for a Power Wheels police auto.

Dubler said the department purchased a generic toy vehicle from the store, but went the extra mile to have it customized with replica decals from the company that does their own police cars.

Evertz’s mother, Tara, told the newspaper her son was “over the moon excited”. “They really delivered an entourage to make him feel very special”.

Bubba and his older cousin Josh also recently donated clothing, school supplies and toys to a local women’s shelter.

His generosity prompted Facebook readers to call him an “amazing little guy with great parents” and a “sweet little guy”. “Our world needs more people like him and his family”, a reader wrote.


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Police surprise boy who bought them lunch with mini police cruiser