
Poll boost for Jeremy Corbyn in Labour leadership battle

Worryingly for Labour the poll shows that even among Mr Corbyn’s supporters, little more than half – 56% – think he will lead Labour to victory at the next general election.


However, the writer is not happy about the comparison, telling her eight million Twitter followers: “Corbyn. Is. Not”.

The BBC presented a list of promises made by the Better Together campaign including continuing European Union membership, investment in carbon capture programmes, a secure economy and pensions, and the construction of 13 new Type 23 frigates.

Labour led the Scottish Government in Holyrood’s first two terms between 1999 and 2007 before the election of the SNP government, which is now in its third term.

Jeremy Corbyn seems set to win the Labour leadership race with even more support than he garnered when he was elected in 2015, according to a poll by YouGov released on Wednesday, August 31.

The poll suggests that overall Mr Corbyn is backed by 62% of Labour supporters, compared with 38% for Mr Smith, once “don’t knows” have been discounted.

The figures reveal deep tensions in the party, and over a third of Labour members now believe that a split is likely.

“We ended up having a vote in Britain largely to satisfy the internal politics of one of our political parties and we now face the prospect of Britain being worse off as a result”.

The Labour leader also took aim at companies that encourage “early evening socialisation”, telling his supporters at a policy launch in London that such socialising effectively discriminates against mothers.

Mr Smith added that with Labour “associated with being in power and being the establishment in Scotland”, the vote for the SNP was “reflective of that long-standing sense of decline and loss”.

The Labour leader also said the party would seek to ensure increased recruitment of women into science, technology, engineering and manufacturing jobs as the party seeks to tackle “occupational segregation”. “New” and “Old Labour” are terms which have become hackneyed in their reference to policies. Being part of the United Kingdom means we can use the pound and have access to the Bank of England in times of difficulty for our economy.

“Instead of agitating for a second independence referendum the SNP should focus on the bread and butter issues of government, like getting people back into work and giving everybody a fair chance in life”.


“Such a fifth column is completely absent from the Parliamentary Labour Party today”, said Mr Winnick.

Rutherglen CLP back Owen Smith in Labour leadership contest