
At Florida rally, Tim Kaine associates Donald Trump’s values with KKK’s

The tone of the U.S. presidential campaign turned darker, with Hillary Clinton skewering Donald Trump as a man who flirts with racism and paranoid ideas, while he in turn labeled her a racist whose family foundation was a “criminal enterprise”.


Former Republican presidential candidate Dr.

Donald Trump’s campaign has unveiled new additions to its merchandise range, with the latest line of products including “Hil-liar-y” T-shirts and “Hillary for Prison” buttons.

Trump tried to get ahead of the Democratic nominee, addressing a crowd in Manchester, New Hampshire just minutes before Clinton.

In a tweet shortly after Clinton wrapped up her speech in the swing state of Nevada, Trump said she “is pandering to the worst instincts in our society”.

Clinton is looking to counter Trump’s attempts to win over moderate voters who have been unsettled by some of his remarks and policy proposals.

“Every time an African American citizen, or any citizen, loses their job to an illegal immigrant, the rights of that American citizen have been totally violated”, he argued.

Trump, who also met Thursday in NY with members of a new Republican Party initiative meant to train young – and largely minority – volunteers, has been working to win over blacks and Latinos in light of his past inflammatory comments and has been claiming that the Democrats have taken minority voters’ support for granted.

Trump is in Las Vegas, still trying to make his case to Hispanic leaders, while Clinton leaves campaigning up to her running mate Tim Kaine for the day. Bernie Sanders calling it “a racist term” during a debate. Clinton has since apologized. He claims that the Democrats have taken minority voters’ support for granted.

But his new outreach comes amid his own mixed signals on his immigration plan, including whether or not he would stick with a primary campaign promise to deport 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.

Recently released emails showed that donors to the foundation had been given greater access to Clinton and her staff, he said. She replied, “I am sure”, and mentioned her strong understanding about the foundation’s work.

But neither that issue nor her emails appears to be going away soon. That meeting will be closed to the public. The department did not immediately respond.

Kaine said: “Ku Klux Klan values, David Duke values, Donald Trump values are not American values”.

Clinton said she doesn’t expect any more political distractions to arise from her use of a private server.

The Clinton campaign has put out another new ad attacking Trump.

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