
Trump’s numbers improve, Clinton’s worsen in Wisconsin

Hillary Clinton obliquely criticized Donald Trump’s surprise foray into foreign affairs on Wednesday, saying in a speech to the American Legion in OH that building alliances and coalitions takes more than a “photo op”. To big applause, Clinton hit Trump as someone who “just seems to delight in insulting women”.


According to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, 56 percent of Americans now hold unfavorable views of Clinton with 41 percent regarding the former secretary of state with favorable views.

For now, it’s unclear whether the head-to-head numbers between Clinton and Trump have tightened, as the ABC News/Washington Post poll hasreleased those figures.

Clinton, who has an edge in many state and national polls, has been aggressively courting Republicans and independents since the party convention. “But my opponent is wrong when he says America is no longer great”, she said. It’s likely that she simply got an extended bounce after the Democratic convention that has finally faded.

But prior to that convention, it was clear that Clinton was headed in the wrong direction and setting new records for her unpopularity. A total of 3 percent of the respondents had no opinion on the question for Trump and Clinton. That’s unprecedented in the dozens of CNN polls on her since 1992.

Now, the Donald Trump campaign has pushed back with an ad full of news clips from 2008 when Clinton, who was running against then-Senator Barack Obama, was accused of making racially insensitive remarks on the trail. In early August, it was Clinton 52% to Trump’s 37%.

The speech came on the same day that Trump was slated to meet with Mexico’s president, Enrique Pena Nieto, in Mexico City in an attempt to bolster his own foreign-policy profile before delivering a speech on immigration policy Wednesday evening in Arizona.

She stressed her experience on the Senate Armed Services Committee and as secretary of state. In none of the past three presidential races did Democrats crack 40 percent of likely voters in terms of party identification.

Donald Trump’s standing, according to the poll, is 37% favorability and 60% unfavorability-within the margin-of-error of Hillary on both counts (38% and 59%, respectively).


The poll, which surveyed more than 1,000 adults nationally via telephone from August 24 to 28, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 points. Scott Clement and Emily Guskin contributed to this post.

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