
Trump Bringing Out More Voters Who Sat Out 2012

In the previous poll, conducted August 4 to 7, Clinton had 46 percent of registered voters’ support, while Trump had 36 percent, with 16 percent expressing no preference. And he says its “hard to say” what to expect out of Trump’s meeting Wednesday with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.


Clinton said she believes in American exceptionalism, unlike her rival, and that America’s unique economic and military might gives the nation a special responsibility to lead in the world.

A campaign tweet a short time later followed up: “We are not going to criminalize, profile, round up, and deport 16 million people”.

Yet the way Whitman is now campaigning for Clinton, delivering an endorsement speech for her Tuesday in Denver, Colorado, should at least raise some eyebrows.

Clinton has welcomed Republicans’ support without making policy outreach.

“As long as Secretary Clinton doesn’t move on the issues or promises she has made to her supporters, that she has made to the progressive movement, as long as she upholds the most progressive platform in party history. she’s in safe territory”, Symone Sanders said.

The Democratic presidential nominee is reiterating that she would send American troops into harm’s way only as a “last resort”, calling it a bedrock principal.

“You don’t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon”. “Actually it’s just like building personal relationships. Getting countries working together was my job every day as secretary of state”, Clinton said. “So while Russ maintains a consistent lead in the polls, this campaign will continue to prioritize the middle class and working families of this state who want leaders who will listen to and fight for them”, said Feingold spokesman Michael Tyler.

“And it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again”. Team Hillary has relentlessly run negative TV spots attacking Trump’s character, temperament, and even stability. John McCain, a POW, citing his capture during the Vietnam War.

After doing its best to make it seem as if the Clinton Foundation is a good entity and not a corrupt, political machine, the paper suggested it all just looks too bad and needs to be shuttered. “And it says a lot about the person doing the insulting”.

Clinton, who has an edge in many state and national polls, has been aggressively courting Republicans and independents since the party convention.


The legitimizing of conspiracy theories has been a hallmark of the Trump candidacy, but the claims about Clinton’s health have been particularly pernicious, fueled by fake medical records that have circulated in the blogosphere and a video of Clinton wagging her head in an unusual way while she talks to reporters.

Just 41 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton