
Nigel Farage’s appearance at a Donald Trump rally puzzled many people

Trump introduced Mr. Farage as a man who “brilliantly” led the UK Independence Party’s to gain control over the UK’s political future.


Although he declined to endorse Trump, saying he would not interfere in the USA election, he then drew applause and laughter as he said: ‘But I will say this, if I was an American citizen I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me.

Mr Farage, who is credited with securing the referendum on the UK’s membership of the European Union and helping to pull off the surprise Leave victory, would be the first British politician to speak at a Trump rally. “I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me”, Nigel Farage said.

Eager Trump supporters are now searching for terms like, “Donald Trump Nigel Farage”, “Trump Jackson rally”, “Donald Trump rally Mississippi”, “Donald Trump rally Jackson MS”, “pics”, and “photos”, on the internet, but we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the event right here.

He also harshly criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, accusing her of “threatening” voters and presenting “decent Americans” as racists.

In a surprise move, he headed to the USA this week and joined Mr Trump last night at a campaign event in Jackson, Mississippi.

“November 8 is our chance to redeclare American independence”, Trump said, borrowing a phrase Farage used during the Brexit campaign.

He also condemned President Barack Obama’s decision to intervene in the European Union referendum.

“Frankly, what we were sold was a complete pack of scaremongering lies, it was called “project fear” and I said to the audience last night [at Trump’s rally in Jackson, Mississippi] that you will hear the same thing”. Farage urged them to get their “walking boots on” and drum up support for Republican presidential nominee. If you are happy with life then Hillary is probably the candidate for you.

Clinton suggested it was Trump, not Farage, who came off worse when the pair appeared on stage in MS on Wednesday evening.

The website’s report says: “Mr. Farage did not actually ever suggest that the children of legal immigrants are banned from public schools, but rather suggested that people who have not paid in to the United Kingdom tax system should not be the beneficiaries of public money until they have paid in”.


The UKIP leader, who is a regular visitor to the U.S., is standing down as the party’s figurehead after fulfilling his lifelong political ambition but will remain as a member of the European Parliament.
