
Woman slain in KCK drive-by shooting was Janelle Monae’s cousin

Singer Janelle Monáe has been left to grief as her cousin, Natasha Hays, was shot to death while sleeping in her Kansas City, Kansas, home on Tuesday, Aug. 27.


“Gun violence has struck home”, the artist tweeted Wednesday. “My lovely 1st cousin was murdered. Loved by her community”, she tweeted.

Our hearts are broken for Janelle Monae – her first cousin, Natasha Hays, was viciously murdered in a drive-by shooting on August 30.

Monae is the latest in a recent string of celebrities losing relatives to violence. “Gun violence is still keeping our city in a dark place”.

No suspect has been arrested in Natasha’s murder, however, family members claim she told them she felt “threatened” by a particular person just days prior to the attack. The fear of, “Who is next?” never leaves.

No one deserves to lose their mother, daughter, or cousin.

“How would you feel if you woke up and your mom’s gone and you found her like that”, said Berger. “Praying4more light. Help us”, she added.

As a longtime supporter of the #sayhername and #sayhisname movement, which aims to humanize the victims of violence who are too often reduced to faceless statistics, Monae continues to fight against violence in her personal life and through her music.


Monae also shared a link to the Kansas City Star story, urging her followers to “help us find the killer”.

Frederick M. Brown  Getty Images                  Janelle Monae attends the 2016 BET Awards at the Microsoft Theater