
Jeremy Corbyn rules out a coalition with the SNP

In an extraordinary outburst against his own party John McDonnell, who chairs Mr Corbyn’s leadership campaign, vowed to write to the General Secretary to complain about members who have been suspended.


JEREMY Corbyn secured a seat in a Virgin rail carriage for his journey to Scotland as he returned to the operator following the Traingate row.

A leadership candidate for Britain’s opposition Labour party, Owen Smith, said on Wednesday he would try to get parliament to block talks on leaving the European Union unless the government promises a second referendum or election.

Lookers on may have already got the impression that many Labour members and supporters made their minds up a long time ago about which way to vote, and that not much is likely to change over the next few days.

The party were overtaken by the Conservatives and Mr Smith was jeered as he went on to praise Kezia Dugdale, the leader of the Scottish Party in charge of delivering the manifesto and campaign, for doing a “good job”.

Owen Smith said his “grave fear” is that the Labour Party will split unless Jeremy Corbyn is replaced as leader.

The BFAWU union, which has nearly 20,000 members in the food industry, is backing Mr Corbyn in the leadership contest against Owen Smith.

The Labour leader will use a visit to Edinburgh, where the world-famous fringe festival is taking place, to unveil his plan to increase investment and participation in the arts.

“And I say to him, if he’s so concerned about protecting workers’ rights why on earth would we allow the Tories to implement a Brexit deal which is going to see workers’ rights in this country sold down the river?”

He added: “It’s Labour’s commitment to making that difference that means that we’re not looking for an alliance with the SNP”.

Corbyn’s team believes the party’s compliance committee makes arbitrary decisions, often on political grounds, some of which could breach members’ human rights.

He claimed: “There is creativity in all of us but we need to give people the opportunities for this creativity to flourish”. If they are found to associated with organisations the Labour Party deem unsuitable, their memberships might be revoked.


“But I’m well aware that Labour and the SNP come from different traditions and have different goals”.

Labour Party leader challenger Owen Smith debates with leader Jeremy Corbyn in a hustings event of the Labour leadership campaign in Birmingham Britain