
Sarah Jessica Parker Cuts Ties With EpiPen Drug Maker, Criticizes Price Increase

In response to the firestorm, the drugmaker announced Thursday it would offer discounts for the EpiPen, including coupons covering up to $300 “for patients in health plans who face higher out-of-pocket costs”.


The announcement from Mylan N.V. triggered a new round of condemnation from politicians and consumer groups, who accuse the company of price-gouging on a potentially life-saving treatment.

EpiPens, which have little competition, are used in emergencies to treat severe allergies to insect bites and foods like nuts and eggs that can lead to anaphylactic shock. “The likelihood of them having an accidental exposure in the next 10 years is close to 100-percent”. When Mylan started selling the EpiPen in 2007, it cost $57. “No one was talking about price decreases, but that does happen in the industry to keep medicine affordable”.

Following the uproar about the price of EpiPens, Mylan has vowed to make them more affordable. We have been concerned for some time about the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs and the price hike of EpiPen is the latest example.

Before insurance, a two-pack of EpiPens costs about $600. Parker was paid to participate in a Mylan campaign. Members of Congress have also called for investigations into Mylan’s practices.

The 51-year-old actress has chose to end her working relationship with the pharmaceutical giant Mylan, which makes the emergency anti-allergy medication to treat anaphylaxis, after it emerged the price of its life-saving injectors have spiked by 548 per cent since 2007.

“To put it in perspective, an actual ampule and a syringe that you would do like you did in the old days.costs about three dollars, still”, says Richardson. At least a $500 savings over the cheapest US options.

“If they touch where someone else has been eating pizza, they’re going to break out in hives, eyes swell shut, that kind of thing”, said Connell.

Clayman said there remain many unanswered questions.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Five years later, that number is 2,030. He’s allergic to eggs and all nuts.

The price hike has drawn outrage from users with high insurance deductibles or no insurance at all.


“I will observe, however, that pharmaceutical companies that often try to portray themselves as the inventors of life-saving medication often do real damage to their reputation by being greedy and jacking up prices in a way that victimizes”, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said at a news briefing. According to NBC, Mylan’s profits from selling EpiPens was $1.2 billion by 2015, accounting for 40 percent of Mylan’s operating profits.

An Epi Pen dispenses epinephrine through an injection mechanism for people with severe allergies