
Miss. Highway Patrol gears up for Labor Day patrols

Labor Day weekend, like most three-day weekends, is a time when the roadways fill with motorists eager to make it to their destination on time so the celebration can begin.


During the 2015 Labor Day weekend MEP, CHP officers statewide arrested more than 1,200 motorists on suspicion of driving under the influence. Throughout the holiday weekend, officers across the state will partake in Operation C.A.R.E. – Combined Accident Reduction Effort. “You may think you aren’t drunk, but law enforcement will know you are”. For that, troopers specifically will be assigned to 20-mile stretches of Interstate 29. That includes seven involving an impaired driver. Research from NHTSA shows that high-visibility enforcement, such as an MEP, can reduce impaired driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent.

“Too many lives are lost on our roadways every year as a result of impaired driving”, said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. “Plan ahead. Have a designated driver in case you need one to get home safely”.

Poulos says four people died in crashes investigated by the highway patrol last Labor Day weekend. The call is toll free and callers should be prepared to assist the dispatcher by giving a description of the vehicle, the license plate number, location, and direction of travel.


Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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